3. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

The Bible talks about the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven.  Most people think Matthew speaks of the kingdom of heaven so as not to use the name “God” and offend his audience, but he uses “God” elsewhere in the gospel.  More likely, as New Testament scholar, Jonathan Pennington argues, Matthew is emphasising the realm of God’s kingdom by focusing on the kingdom of heaven rather than the one whose kingdom it is, God’s.

What does that mean?!  We think of a kingdom in geographical terms.  For instance, the United Kingdom is a physical with land and borders.  When you leave you are outside the kingdom and are now somewhere else.


God rules the universe.  Heaven is the place where His will is done, perfectly.  This earth, fallen as it is, will one day be renewed and perfected when Jesus returns.  On that day, God will dwell with us, Heaven will come down to earth, the kingdom will have come and God’s will done on earth as it is in Heaven.


And yet…even today, the kingdom expands and grows.  As the gospel is preached; people respond; churches are planted and strengthened; the kingdom advances.  This is because the kingdom is not restricted to a place.  Wherever God’s will be done, there is the kingdom.  As Mufasa said to Simba in The Lion King – “Everywhere the light touches is our kingdom.”  Jesus is the light of the world who calls us also to be the light of the world.  Light exposes, pushes back and defeats darkness.  As people respond to the call of the Holy Spirit to respond to Jesus and come to the Father, the kingdom grows. 


What a privilege it is to play our part in seeing the kingdom grow, so that one day it will come in its fullness.


4. Give us this day our daily bread. (Matthew 6:11)


2. Hallowed be your name (Matthew 6:9)