4. Give us this day our daily bread. (Matthew 6:11)

When lockdown first happened in 2020 it suddenly made many of us a lot more grateful for some of the things we often take for granted in life and yet are the things we really need and would struggle without.  Food, shelter, clothing, the weather.  We can so easily get wrapped up in things that we forget what really matters and what we really need.


Food prices have gone up.  Inflation looks to be on a vicious curve.  Petrol prices have become ridiculous.  Many of us are looking grimly at our energy bills.  For some this will be an inconvenience but we can adjust.  For others, this is going to hurt, and hurt big time.


Amidst all this, we come back to the basics.  Bread is the staple food across the world.  Where many of us perhaps have got used to luxury, this prayer reminds us of what is needed.  For those in poverty, for those fighting in Ukraine – daily bread is the need.


Jesus reminds us on several occasions to be focused on the needs of the day and that God is one who will give to us what we need.  He reminds us to focus on today and not get anxious for tomorrow.  He reminds us that God is good and gives good gifts, supremely the gift of the Holy Spirit to His children. 


As we consider the grand sweep of scripture, we should remind ourselves that our greatest needs have been dealt with – our sin has been dealt with being nailed to a cross; and we now stand in the right with God and are in His family.  So often we get caught up in praying for things, even good things, that we forget this truth.  That does not mean other things don’t matter, they do; but it does help us gain perspective.


With the greatest need being met, the greatest need for us every day is to keep in step with the Spirit, see and savour Jesus and commune with God the Father.  We all need reminding of this but it can so easily get displaced.  Let us use this moment to do just that.


5. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. (Matthew 6:12)


3. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)