6. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. (Matthew 6:13)

We have a very real enemy, the devil, Satan.  He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  He knows our weak spots; he knows the buttons to press and he is a very real source of temptation.  He is powerful.  Yet, he is a defeated foe and his power to accuse us has been broken.


A 17th century writer, Ralph Brownrig, wrote:

“All the temptation of Satan are actions of cunning and not of power.  He may persuade and seduce us by the [quick wittedness] of his skill, but he cannot force and compel us.  Though he has a great deal of power and strength and cunning, he may [evade] us.  But he cannot powerfully overthrow us.  It is not in the power of Satan to force the will of any to yield to his temptations.” 


Our hearts are prone to wander after thing they should not, and the things in this world easily catch our gaze and grip us in sinful ways.  The unholy alliance of our sinful old ways; the world which has not turned to Christ; and the devil are a toxic cocktail which can cause us to stumble and sin. 


The good news is (1) Jesus prays for us and (2) No temptation happens to us that is unique.  God always provides a way out.  One of the ways he provides a way out is through asking our church family for help, for prayer and, when we do mess up, to confess those things and minister the gospel to each other.  Let us keep each other accountable and point one another towards Jesus each day knowing we have the Holy Spirit’s help to fight temptation.




5. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. (Matthew 6:12)